WORLDWIDE HEALTHCARE TRUST PLC Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2022STRATEGIC REPORT
tribute to the unswerving dedication of both our Portfolio
Manager, OrbiMed and our AIFM, Company Secretary and
Administrator, Frostrow Capital. Although recent results
have been disappointing, I believe that it will be only a
matter of time before the skills and experience of our
Portfolio Manager will enable the Company to resume its
excellent long-term record.
The process of recruiting a new Director is ongoing.
Shareholders will be kept informed of developments as
they occur. As new members are recruited, the Board will
remain mindful of its commitment to a policy of diversity.
ESG matters are an important priority for the Board and
Bina Rawal and I have been working closely with our
Portfolio Manager to identify an appropriate set of policies
to address them.
Our Portfolio Manager continues to develop tools for
assessing the sustainability of the Company’s portfolio
including measuring the net impacts that individual
portfolio companies have on both the environment and
society, as much as is possible with the availability
pertaining to both ESG matters and also to climate
change. OrbiMed is committed to taking a leading role
in the development of meaningful ESG engagement
practices in the healthcare sector. As part of this they
facilitate dialogue and an exchange of leading practices
among investors, companies and other relevant experts
on ESG in the large capitalisation pharmaceutical sector.
They also engage with a broad range of companies on
a regular basis where areas of improvement can be
. Further information on both ESG matters and
climate change can be found in the Portfolio Manager’s
ESG report on page 25.
I mentioned last year that as a result of the continued
cumulative outperformance in the year, there was a
provision in our year-end accounts of £31.7 million for future
performance fee payments. However, only if outperformance
was maintained to the relevant quarterly calculation dates
would this provision become payable. During the year under
review, a performance fee of £12.9 million crystallised
and became payable on 30 June 2021. However, due to
underperformance against the Benchmark during the year,
the remainder of the performance fee accrual as at 31 March
2021 was reversed. No performance fees were accrued or
payable at the Company’s year-end as at 31 March 2022.
The performance fee arrangements are described in detail
on page 43 of this Annual Report.
Global markets are currently experiencing unusually high
levels of uncertainty. In addition to the appalling human
cost, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has created near-term
risks for markets as high energy prices, rising food prices
and disrupted supply chains threaten a substantial increase
longer-term outlook with the prospect of continued raised
levels of geopolitical risk and an increase in investor risk
aversion, both of which may affect markets and economic
This comes in addition to existing market and economic
concerns that troubled investors before the invasion,
including the onset of U.S. Federal Reserve tightening,
the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on supply chains
and inflation and also the outlook for China where there
are problems in the real estate sector, as well as around
its zero-tolerance COVID-19 policy and heavy-handed
Against this challenging background, however, our
Portfolio Manager OrbiMed remains positive on the
outlook for healthcare with certain of the perceived risks
approval process in the U.S. and also the spectre of drug
price reform having receded. Fundamentals, however,
remain strong, particularly given the amount of innovation
that is fuelling the industry’s growth. They further believe
that the sector’s defensive growth characteristics should
continue to prove attractive in times of global uncertainty.
Your Board continues to believe that long-term investors
in this sector will be rewarded.
After COVID restrictions prevented holding meetings in
person, the Board is pleased to welcome all shareholders
back to the Company’s Annual General Meeting which
offers an opportunity to meet the Directors and also to
hear the views of our Portfolio Manager. The meeting will
be held at etc. venues 1-3 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BX
on Wednesday, 6 July 2022 at 12.30pm. Of course, should
circumstances change and restrictions be reintroduced, we
for the meeting via the Company’s website at